Post: November 19, 2021
Dear Church Family,
This week I have been burdened with the need and calling to prepare the way of the Lord. I have said this before and I will say it again. What are your priorities? Are you prepared for the time of trouble? Are you prepared for persecution? Is your family prepared? Are you seeking first the kingdom of God? Are you ready to meet Jesus and live with Him eternally?
These are only a few of the reflection questions we need to be pondering now...
If not now, when?
I want to quickly focus on several things so you have time to listen to the sermons I am including.
If you are sick stay home! — As you know many people this week in our community of faith are sick with one thing or another. We must do our best to protect our own health and the health of others. One of the ways we can do this is to stay home if we have any symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19.
Prayer Walk & Vespers — This week has been a blur for many including myself. Due to a challenging week and the potential for added risk health risks. I have decided that it is best for us to limit the length of our afternoon gathering, this Sabbath—to a fresh air, outdoor, prayer walk @ 3PM, followed by vespers at 4PM.
PRAYER WALK—LOCATION: meet across from the Canoe Villiage Market (7390 50 St NE, Salmon Arm, BC). We will park in the open space parallel to the railway tracks and disband from there.
Please join us at 3PM sharp so we can be back at the church for vespers at 4PM.
Sanifer Lennon and family is leading out with the vespers portion—you won't want to miss it!
Again, if you are symptomatic, and not feeling well, stay home.
PRAYER WALK—LOCATION: meet across from the Canoe Villiage Market (7390 50 St NE, Salmon Arm, BC). We will park in the open space parallel to the railway tracks and disband from there.
Conrad Vine, COVID-19 and the Final Persecution — This week my mom sent me this sermon by Conrad Vine, president of Adventist Frontier Missions. It is a heavy sermon. It is stirring. Check it out for yourself. Always have your antenna's up. Even if you don't agree with everything you hear, that's fine. The main take away for myself in this presentation was we need to have our eyes wide open, we need to pray and press together in love—love even for our enemies...this is how we will be prepared for the final persecution whenever or however it comes.
- Joseph Kidder, The Power of Intercessory Prayer — Then, last week Peter Burman sent me this powerful sermon on the topic of prayer by Joseph Kidder. What if we believed Jesus could do the impossible? If we humbly come to Jesus and pray with our mustard seed of faith we will again see God do great things.
Brothers, sisters, can do this. Look up for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28) The best way we can be prepared is to be prePRAYERED! Are you spending enough time talking with God, on your knees, as you walk, or as you drive? I don't have it all figured out but one thing I know is that we must keep pursuing God, without excuses and bit by bit God will teach us to pray! My appeal to each of you is to pray, pray like never before, pray like your life depends on it...because it does.
I invite each of you to join us for the prayer walk this Sabbath afternoon at 3PM!
Pastor Royce